Welcome back!
We missed you!
--------------------------Welcome, I like coding, i like to draw and i like to make weird-ass puppets!
Sorry if this site doesn't work on mobile! p.s. i hope you like my site, but if it is too busy or i should change anything please let me know! i would love to hear feedback on my site in order to improve it! at the moment i am just trying to do a bit of clean up, like fixing the cursor, fixing minor issues, etc, etc. and just generally making it look better! You can view some of my art here or you can look at the sub-sites listed under the marquee, or on the side panels. and if you just saw something traumatizing then go to here to see some cute Tardigrades! (sorry but i am just going to blab about Tardigades (Tardigrada) for a minute) Here is a Tardigrade if you are not familiar: they are so cute, if you dont think so then... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've even set the mouse cursor to one! look! LOOK AT IT. It even curls up when you are hovering on something clickable! ALSO! Real Tardigrade curl up when they get to really low temperatures, it's called 'cryptobiosis', where they basically shut down everything in their bodies and just hibernate in the most extreme conditions, like space. and real Tardigrade are almost completely indestructable! they've survived the vacume of space and getting blasted with cosmic radiation, temperatures EXTREMALLY below freezing, and even more!------------------------------------------------------------
please note: The Live chat is currently down here temporarily:------------------------------------------------------------